Below are some good books on anti aging stuffs which i found better than other books in the market although there are more books that i should have to study.Check back often as I'll be updating this page as I come across more books about anti-aging treatments.
Super Foods for Seniors - FC&A Medical Publishing.
Published on 2007, easy and fun book about nutrition for older adults. Of course, it also applies to those of us interested in anti-aging. It contains the lists of specific foods, as well as informations and tips, to combat various ailments to keep us looking and feeling our best.
Power Aging - Gary Null, Ph.D.
Gary Null has written many books on anti-aging and natural health. This antiaging book, published in 2003, gives advice on how to age well, naturally, and does a good job explaining how toxins in our environment and in our food affect our aging.

Stopping the Clock - Dr. Ronald Klatz and Dr. Robert Goldman
Although it was published in 1996, it does provide a wealth of information. The authors are the founders of the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine (A4M). The book has outline the aging process and theories to slow the aging process. There is quite a bit of medical terminology, however it is easy to read and there are many tips that one can use to "stop the clock."

The Anti-Aging Solution - VIncent Giampapa, M.D., Ronald Pero, Ph.D., Marcia Zimmerman, C.N.
Published in 2004. Dr. VIncent Giampapa is one of the founding physicians of the A4M, while Dr. Pero collaborated with Dr. Giampapa to develop the first anti-aging program related to DNA repair. This anti aging book gives 5 steps to help you look and feel younger. While some chapters do contain a lot of scientific terminology, there are some good antiaging solutions and anti aging treatments tucked in between.

Ageless Face, Ageless Mind - Nicholas Perricone, MD.
This book was published in 2007 and New York Times bestselling author gives information on how to erase wrinkles and rejuvenate the brain which explains what AGEs are and the role they play in the aging process. Dr. Perricone also give suggestions for food and supplements that can aid in anti aging treatments.

Ten Years Younger - Steven Masley, M.D.
This anti aging book, published in 2005 outlines a ten week plan to help you look ten years younger. Dr. Masley who is the former medical director of the Pritikin Longevity Center provides nutrition, fitness and lifestyle advice including menu plans and recipes.
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